Home and business protection

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Our company offers comprehensive facility protection, tailored to the individual needs of customers.

Our services include physical protection of property by qualified employees, called guards, who not only ensure safety, but also create a sense of peace for owners and users.

Scope of services:

  • Home protection: We provide constant supervision over residential buildings, eliminating the risk of burglary and theft. Our guards are responsible for monitoring the area and intervening in the event of irregularities.
  • Company protection: We offer support in protecting the safe operation of workplaces. Our company controls access to the building, protects property and responds to incidents, ensuring the safety of employees and guests.
  • Construction protection: We protect construction sites against theft and vandalism. Our guards constantly monitor the construction site and ensure appropriate security, which minimizes the risk of losses.
  • Installation of Technical Security: We install cameras in places exposed to particular threats to be able to carry out supervision from our supervisory point and, in the event of a threat, send an intervention group to the site.
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